"Hey everybody... we really miss each of you, but being a missionary is really cool. It's almost as cool as being a youth
pastor. Sure it's hard leaving family and friends , but the Lord called Sue and I to plant churches here in Africa and
we have quickly grown to love our local village families and members of our newly planted church. The kids here love
sports just as much as the "Wild Bunch" at CBC and what they call "football" here we call it soccer at home... boy is
soccer big here and in Europe. Each Sunday night after our own evening service Sue and I listen to your morning worship
service on the internet. We are able to receive CBC's broadcast on the internet via a dial-up connection here in the port city.
We know that you broadcast a video version, but thanks for also making an audio only stream available because our dial-up
connection can't handle the video stream." Sue grew up at CBC and she frequently points out various people who sing or
give announcements and tells me all sorts of stories about what they did at a fall retreat or a Christian college visit .
Listening to CBC's service is a real highlight of each week. It's hard to forget we are in Africa, but once each week we are
transported back home to worship our Lord and Savior with our family and friends. Thank you very much!"