Barnabas Road
A Leader In Streaming Media for Broadcast Radio
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Station Branded Player

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About BRM




Station Branded Media Player


Barnabas Road uses the Windows Media streaming system. BRM has implemented a standardized and custom media player incorporating the Stream Watch anti-media player hijacking system.


We believe your launch page and media player to be your internet property. We do not place advertising on your property, but we will support the technology used for you to advertise on your launch page and media player.


We do not charge extra for web design work� it�s just part of our package. You can change the graphics on your media pages and player upon request and we will do the web work for you� No Charge. If your automation system allows the creation of HTTP output, we can even help you set up your �now playing� page or player component.


Consider our technical and web personnel part of your team and let us help you master the internet.

Barnabas Road� a LEADER in streaming media for broadcast radio.



Help Link

Click here to access the BRM Listener Service Center


Station technical service is at your ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year

Copyright 2004-2007 Barnabas Road Media. All rights reserved