Barnabas Road will
set your station up to have a free iPhone application that includes
your own station icon on the iPhone home page. This application uses
an MP3 stream which we will also provide at no
extra charge, but you must use the SimpleCast encoder
mentioned below. Your users follow simple instructions in loading
the application and the App is free to your
loyal listeners.
BRM creates the custom app, icon, and provides the station web
site instructions. It is all pretty easy and your iPhone users will
love it. Or, your listeners can purchase an App at the iPhone APP
The Apple iPhone can play internet radio stations. The user may purchase one
of two applications available from the iPhone APP Store. The Tuner or
WunderRadio applications are available
from the APP Store.
The Tuner application will only allow MP3 stream addresses
to be entered for operational functionality.
The WunderRadio application is facilitated by RadioTime
which allows all types of radio station streams to be used or
converted for listener ease including WMA.
The same methods may be used by other internet radio devices.
Devices equipped with the RadioTime tuner allows for more encoder
applications to be used by the device. Radio Stations need to
purchase the SimpleCast encoder from Spacial Audio in order to be
able to broadcast an MP3 stream suitable for Internet Radios and the
iPhone. |